School Orchards Africa: Provides funds to purchase and plant fruit trees in school grounds in rural areas of Tanzania, and to manage these orchards and their water supply. We have: A direct, personal relationship with a group of trusted Tanzanians in a local NGO called TanCan, who supervise the work onsite.
Together: We help elementary schoolchildren achieve a better basic education and earn money for secondary schooling.
You can help these children and their village community by donating as little as $10, which will fund a fruit tree from planting to harvesting. A larger donation will help us build large concrete cisterns in each Orchard school.
Click the button above to donate.
Planting Fruit Trees:
Teaches children how to be self-reliant gardeners in a society with limited agricultural tradition.
Generates profit through the selling of excess produce, which funds secondary education.
Feeds hungry children.
Planting fruit tress also helps the environment by sequestering carbon. Because fruit trees grow more quickly in Tanzania, they are more effective in capturing carbon.
Access to Water: Teaches children the importance of water: how to collect it; use it; and ration it.
Provides water to help the orchards grow
Working closely with the school communities it has become evident that 'easy access to water' is becoming increasingly important. To that end, large, concrete, water cisterns are being installed in the orchard schools. The water is collected off the school roofs - there are two rainy season in Tanzania which keep the cisterns full year round.
CLICK on the fruit tree below to learn the significance of water in Tanzania!
THANK YOU! Many thanks to Duncan Rotary, Rotary International, our committed SOAS donors and TanCan. We are so fortunate to have such great volunteer project managers in both Canada, and Tanzania!
How to dig a GIANT hole in Tanzania!
All video credits go to Maggie Naylor and Chris Loh, Director of Operations for Curitus, a Vancouver based charity.